When traditional size or square prints are too large for the room narrow vertical abstract prints can really help with decorating project. Vertical prints can act as bright accents between windows or doors in hall ways.
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Music inspired new orange, red and yellow piece with accent blue line. I was listening to “Zeichen meines Lebens” by Klaus Schulze from “Historic Edition”. Cosmic and time traveling thoughts come to mind. Dark edges and bright center on top of dreamy brown and red background.
Blue and green, turquoise and coral are the color of this abstraction. It reminds blurred sun rays fading out in shallow waters of Mediterranean Sea. It seams that you going to recognize something in that mix of shadow and light but you can’t concentrate on one spot. High contrast abstract with vivid bright color will look equally good in bright room or in low light home.
Purple and orange as very late sunset sky when you just forgot that you waited whole day for it. You run outside and look out for the sun but it's already too late and all you see are purple sky and pink and orange clouds far west. First orange becomes red, then pink becomes blue, then all become black... Stars will come later at night. You turn back and make new pot of coffee. Maybe you will get out one more time to look at stars but maybe not today.