In February all holidays were over and winter got stronger. It impacted sales first but by the end of the month rhythm of visits increased and sales picked up.
Here is a Best Of February collectoin of most popular prints in views and sales. I personalty very glad to see my favorite Pink and Blue among leaders but hey, I like them all :) What's your favorite?
The simple answer is YES. And here is why. As an example I chose this large yellow room with brown accent wall and light ceiling and reflective floor. I can assume that the walls pained with BM Lemon Shine 2020-20. Further from the windows the walls don’t look that bright and are more brown. Soft furniture can be navy or red. Even dark green will work. It depends how you feel about matching colors and textures. Illuminated aluminum prints can have its own color of light and can be deemed to the your liking. It means that in the dark area of the room illumination plays a role of additional lighting. You can’t read a magazine but you can linger with iPad for sure :) Deep saturated color of the walls allow bright abstract aluminum prints and dark paintings. This room with prints feels quiet and warm when it’s bright...