Is saturated color good for large room with uneven lighting?
The simple answer is YES. And here is why.
As an example I chose this large yellow room with brown accent wall and light ceiling and reflective floor. I can assume that the walls pained with BM Lemon Shine 2020-20.
Further from the windows the walls don’t look that bright and are more brown. Soft furniture can be navy or red. Even dark green will work. It depends how you feel about matching colors and textures.
Illuminated aluminum prints can have its own color of light and can be deemed to the your liking. It means that in the dark area of the room illumination plays a role of additional lighting. You can’t read a magazine but you can linger with iPad for sure :)
Deep saturated color of the walls allow bright abstract aluminum prints and dark paintings. This room with prints feels quiet and warm when it’s bright and cold outside.
What do you think? Please ask and comment!
About the Photo
I made a series of shots this winter in north downtown of Toronto. I was fastinated by Christmas lights, clear night sky with stars and unusual warm weather. Of course you can't see stars and feel warmth on this photo, just believe me :). BTW, it's snowing 3 days in Toronto and it's cold as usual ;)