Why Buy Diptych Designs
I have a collection of diptychs inspired by success of my panoramic print. Of course ideal setting for the piece of art is isolated wall in the middle of the room where beholder can step back, sit down and enjoy the abstraction.
Dive into underworld of fantasies and dreams. Usually museum settings works fine for that. But no one wants to live in a museum. We all live in space surrounding ourselves with stylish furniture and lighting. Art plays decorative role in modern interior design and panoramic prints are perfect fit for over the fireplace or behind the couch wall.
If you know the exact size of the wall then one piece print will work just fine. But what if you want to experiment with space and light. Diptych design gives you this privilege. You can put two pieces next to each other with no space in between or you can separate them to take over entire wall. You can put uneven lighting on a pair of prints and create dramatic look with light and shades.Choice is always yours and I am providing you with materials to play.
Take advantage of discount campaign during 20 April weekend. You have nothing to loose. If you don't like my prints I will take them back. You already know that, right ;) ?